
Safer roads for senior drivers (WSJ)

In "Bill signals safer roads for seniors," the Wall Street Journal (Sept. 1, D8) describes federal and state measures to make driving easier and safer for older drivers. The recently passed federal transportation bill specifies senior-friendly road improvements, such as more visible traffic signs and road markings, to be carried out in all states. As baby boomers age, licensed drivers over 65 are expected to increase from 27 million in 2000 to 65 million in 2030. Deteriorating vision and reflexes put senior drivers at more risk. Several states have already implemented road changes to improve senior safety. New Jersey and Wisconsin are working with improved signs and pavement markings. Texas is updating signs with an easier-to-read font. Michigan has noted a reduction in senior driver injuries with safety improvements at high-risk intersections. Florida, New York, and North Carolina have also improved roads to accommodate older drivers. (WSJ is available in the Library)


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