Reef and Shore Fishes of the Hawaiian Islands (560 pp.), by John E. Randall, was published in 2007 by the University of Hawaii
Sea Grant College Program. The book covers the 612 species found within the Hawaiian Islands from the shore down to 656 feet (200m). Introductory chapters present a historical review of ichthyological research in Hawaii, zoogeography, introductions of alien fishes, marine conservation, and methods for fish identification. (Ref. QL636.5 R35 2007) (ISBN 1929054033)
Star Bulletin review, 4.24.2007
Labels: hawaii, library, marine life
Would it be OK or against the rules to publish the ISBN of the book, too? I'd be interested to purchase the book but I have a hard time translating your reference # to the ISBN.
Good idea! We've added it. We will begin for all titles posted from today. You can also click on the title bookcover to link to the publisher's web site.
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