Broadband for Hawaii
- Establish a forward-looking vision to make Hawaii globally competitive.
Enact legislation that enshrines in statute a forward-looking vision to guide policy and action: Hawaii recognizes broadband as critical infrastructure for the 21st century.
- Create a one-stop broadband advancement authority.
Enact legislation that consolidates any and all state and county wired and wireless, voice, data and video regulation, franchising and permitting functions into a one-stop self-funded expert broadband advancement authority in the State Dept. of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA).
- Welcome trans-Pacific submarine fiber to Hawaii.
Reduce the barriers to landing new fiber in Hawaii through a shared-use, open-access, fiber-ready, international submarine cable landing station on Oahu that is made available to all projects on a fair and equitable basis.
- Stimulate demand for broadband.
All government agencies should actively develop and deploy public services that apply broadband capabilities in their areas of responsibility.
Hawaii Broadband Task Force Final Report (pdf, 74pp/2MB)
Available in the Library: TK5103.4 H36 2008
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