
School stats

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) published recently its data report from the "Common Core of Data (CCD) non-fiscal 2003-04 state, local education agency, and school surveys." The CCD annually compiles data on all public schools, public school districts and state education agencies in the United States. The report provides descriptive, easy to compare information in table format, including demographics of student bodies and staff; revenues and current expenditures; charter school number; and percentage of students served.

With data from the 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of Defense (DoD) dependents schools (overseas and domestic), Puerto Rico, and the other jurisdictions of American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Marianas, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, the NCES report:
presents data about the students enrolled in public education, including the number of students by grade and the number receiving special education, migrant, or English language learner services. Some tables disaggregate the student data by racial/ethnic group or community characteristics such as rural - urban. The numbers and types of teachers, other education staff, schools, and local education agencies are also reported.

Public Elementary and Secondary Students, Staff, Schools, and School Districts: School Year 2003-04, NCES 2006307
(only available on the Web, in pdf, 464KB, from NCES)

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