
Running on the broadband

A post-election survey by Pew/Internet reports "the number of Americans using the Internet as the source of most of their political news doubled since the last mid-term election." Examining the rate of primary use of news sources (TV, newspapers, radio, Internet, magazines), the survey finds only the Internet steadily increased in popularity . The remaining sources lost in popularity: TV and newspapers the bigger losers reporting political source popularity dropping from 82% to 69% and 57% to 34% respectively, with radio rising from 12% to a high of 19% then dropping to 17%. Magazines lost a 11% popularity among voters to a low of 2%.

The survey also reported:
  • 31% of Americans used the internet during the 2006 campaign to get political news and information and discuss the races through email.
  • Relatively young broadband users say the internet is a more important political news source than newspapers.
  • A new online political elite is emerging as 23% of campaign internet users became online political activists.
  • A majority of Internet users now get political material from blogs, comedy sites, government websites, candidate sites, or alternative news sites.
  • More than half of campaign Internet users cite the Internet's breadth of information and perspectives as a major reason for their online activity.

Election 2006 Online
(January 2007, pdf, 33pp/308kB)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The internet is definitely the broadcast media of choice nowadays. It's always going to be particularly useful in elections because the high turnover of new data can't be easiliy distributed or analysed by TV or radio.


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